Monday, November 25, 2019

Victory for NJ Free Speech - Targum Says (paraphrasing) #NoNJS4001

The editors of NJ Daily Targum struck a major blow to efforts led by NJ Senator Sweeney to usher in a wave of repression against students and faculty at public universities and public schools.  Sweeney has sponsored a proposed bill that would target anti-war and pro Palestinian activism - anyone that criticizes Israel - for sanction and possibly even criminal charges.  The Rutgers Daily Targum - in its long held tradition of being a bastion of advocacy for free speech has stated today, November 25,  clearly and unequivocally - opposition to the bill even calling upon students to actively engage in work to stop it!

I have to admit that over my long years I had tussled with Targum reporters and editors - as a political activist at Rutgers in the 70’s and 80s.  I might have thought that they made me personally and activists in general look silly upon occasion.  (I was doing street theatre in a horse costume on College Avenue once - long story.)  In their minds maybe we were looking foolish - and you never know - we all stumble here and there.  But The Daily Targum as long as is I can remember has always been a bastion for free speech - and today they once again ring that bell!

This is a clarion call for all the state newspapers (many have already denounced this attack on free speech) to reiterate their opposition and especially all of the campus newspapers across the state of New Jersey need to read today’s Targum editorial - and come out swinging with your own defense to inform the students on ALL OF THE CAMPUSES of NJ about these dangers!  That is a most important impact that the Targum editorial can have.

But we all need to take the link to the editorial and tweet it to Assembly and Senato
rs as well as to news outlets - especially campus - throughout NJ, the US and world! 

As the Targum states:

First, nationalities and ethnicities are completely separate matters — something this bill seems to feign ignorance of. Regardless of your personal opinions on Israel, criticizing a government's policies is not the same as criticizing a race, religion nor ethnicity. 

Through this bill, legislators have effectively made collectivized verbal critiques against Israel's government a hate crime, which is damaging by any metric. No institution, whether it be a government, an activist group, a religion or a philosophy, has the right to be above criticism. 

The bill’s vague language makes it especially dangerous. While the intention of the bill is to squash anti-Semitism at public universities, a section of the bill defined an aspect of anti-Semitism as “applying a double standard to Israel.” 

What exactly a “double standard” means in this case is unclear. Can we not criticize one side of an issue unless we criticize the other as well? That is not how critique works — it is completely possible to key in on one issue without focusing on every single injustice occurring in the world at once.

With the loose language used in this bill, it is quite transparent that lawmakers plan to use it to limit free speech for student media, activist groups and on-campus talk in general. 

Looking at the bigger picture here, any attempt to legislate speech must be either critically examined or outright fought. It is acceptable to outlaw genuinely endangering speech, but this is firmly not one of those cases. 

Silencing criticism is not acceptable. Attempting to shut down activism and protest is a violation of our fundamental duty outlined in the Bill of Rights.”

Role of All Marxists Leninist Union in Raising Alarm on NJ S4001 at Rutgers

The dangers of this bill were brought to the attention of the Rutgers community at the AMLU meeting at Scott Hall, on September 12, in a panel discussion hosted by All Marxist Leninist Union that was
broadcast live on Facebook by NJ Revolution Radio.  The event was coordinated between AMLU and #NJAntiWarAgenda with participation "as individuals" of members of American Muslims for Palesine.

AMLU also brought it to the attention of the Rutgers campus through an
op-ed that the Daily Targum ran on October 29. 2019.

The AMLU op-ed excerpted below detailed some of the activities among university and high school students opposing the proposed repressive law.

The anti-war and anti-imperialist struggle would most certainly be crippled, as U.S.-Israeli imperialism is undeniably a global force at the center of many destructive wars and conflicts across the world.

The ability of groups to form coalitions among the anti-imperialist Left would be strictly limited under the bill in such a way that our liberties of free assembly would be curtailed.  

The NJ S4001 Bill, if passed, would persecute any group or individual in educational institutions like high schools and universities who would be “delegitimizing Israel by denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination and denying Israel the right to exist.” 

That . .. . bill, in the end, would prohibit Students for Justice for Palestine (SJP) and Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) clubs and speakers on campus and thus restrict their right to speak and protest against Israel’s war crimes. . . . 

But we are not alone in our opposition to this bill.  A statement from the Rutgers campus group Anakbayan Rutgers stated, “We must unwaveringly say that fighting for the basic rights to life, land, water, and democracy for Palestinians through boycott or any other means is not a crime, and it is not anti-semitic. The passage of this unjust bill would fly in the face of both academic freedom and freedom of dissent, and more primarily the Palestinian people and their just struggle for liberation.”
Meanwhile, high school students concerned about their rights to advocate in the public schools have started a petition which
stated in part: “We are opposing NJ bills S4001 and A5755 introduced by Sen. (Stephen) Sweeney (D-N.J.) and Assemblywoman (Annette) Quijano *. This proposed law dangerously conflates criticism of Israel with Antisemitism. It would punish legitimate dissent of U.S. foreign policy and its support for Israel. We support student rights to free speech in and out of school, (and to) criticize American foreign policy.”

Protesting US backed Bolivia coup

Members of AMLU were recently instrumental leading a protest on College Avenue (Rutgers, New Brunswick) to condemn the US supported murderous right wing coup against the legitimately elected president of Bolivia Evo Morales.  See report.  Israel exports its products of violence, counter insurgency expertise, its cyber hack and surveillance products to fascist regimes all over Latin America so it is important for the effort to oppose US intervention and war in Latin America to protect our rights to criticize Israel’s direct role in these deadly policies.

There is more news today on the attempt to repress and criminalize solidarity and anti-war voices in NJ.  A volunteer lobbyist, requesting anonymity given the current repressive political climate was in Trenton talking to Assembly members.  The lobbyist stated that most Assembly members they met are opposed and some who were originally supportive are now opposed.  

Ironically though, one assembly member, Gary Schaer, who has a significant Arab constituency as he represents Passaic, NJ, with a concentration of Arab voters, is a strong supporter of the repressive bill.  It is ironic because his constituency will be impacted as members in the community support the victims of violence in the Middle East, including Palestinian victims of Israeli violence.  The lobbyist stated that we need to stay strong to defeat this bill and that he was told that a similar bill could be introduced - even if this one is defeated.  The lobbyist urges everyone to stick to the fight!

AMLU and the Daily Targum were in harmony on a major point in each of the two op-eds - the need for student action.  As AMLU stated, “
We invite you to join the New Jersey Committee to Protect Dissent to protect the rights of students and faculty to discuss and criticize U.S. foreign policy and to support the struggles of the Palestinian people.”

For their part, the Targum editors urge: “Truly any campus group that believes in free speech as a blood right must recruit support to fight this issue, and all Rutgers students — those who stand on either or neither side of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute — must be willing to join in this fight. We all attend a public school and thus would be heavily impacted by this excuse of a bill. We must send the message to our legislators that although we are public, we do not exist to be hammered under the thumb of our lawmakers.”

As part of #NJAntWarAgenda - if you are interested in stipended anti imperialist and pro student rights (especially regarding this kind of bill) for campus organizign - text 908-881-5275.

Open letter to faculty unions includes links to Palestine Legal and CAIR opposition to this bill.

·         Assembly women Annette Quijano no longer appears as co-sponsor of A5755

Sunday, November 17, 2019

NJ Says "NO MORE COUPS!" - Comite Bolivia NJ Formed

NJ is saying “NO MORE COUPS” and staking out clear opposition to the US backed fascist military coup d'etat against the nation and people of Bolivia.    Back to back protests in 2 NJ cities took place this past week, on Thursday November 14 on the New Brunswick campus of Rutgers and on Friday November 15 outside the offices of Senator Menendez, who played a direct role in orchestrating the coup, and Senator Booker, at One Gateway in Newark, NJ.  At the Newark event, the formation of Comite Bolivia NJ (interim name) was announced and a leaflet with information about the new committee was handed out to participants.

The Rutgers protest was attended, all told by about 50 protesters, some staying briefly and others for the full hour long event.  Four large banners from #NJAntiWarAgenda were hung between trees including a 6-foot banner depicting Evo Morale, and in Spanish, calling for his restoration and the reversal of the US backed right wing violent, and according to the protesters, “fascist” and “CIA-Backed” coup.  A popular chant
of the Rutgers protesters was “NO MORE COUPS! RESTORE EVO MORALES!” The event drew attention with many passers-by and some who disagreed gathering to watch the event - some shouting out their opposition. The Rutgers event also addressed other issues of concern including the US backed Israeli bombing of Gaza that has killed several dozen in recent days.  At the end of the rally, about a dozen students marched in the street up College Avenue behind the Evo Morales banner and chanting support for the Bolivian people.

The Newark protest was live streamed by revolutionary street video journalist Lisa Davis.

The following is a summary of the presentations of the event and the time - into the video - for each
presentation. Video of November 15 Newark Bolivia protest against the coup:

Green Party candidate for US Senate Madelyn Hoffman who challenged Golpista (coup maker) Menendez in 2018 spoke out about the need to challenge imperialist supporting candidates for election and the horrendous history of imperialism in Latin America.  Her presentation is in this video.

0:00 Natalia, representing Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) speaking on recent developments of Latin American struggle.
2:42 Dr. Rey Tapia, Bolivian Scholar with a Bolivian perspective on the struggle
5:53 Bob Witanek explains Comite Bolivia and describes November 2 event that occurred in Princeton linking 7 national struggles in Latin American and the Caribbean.  (A video from this event is here: )
8:19 Jay Arena of Resist the Deportation Machine connects anti-war, anti-imperialist struggle to the struggle to close ICE concentration camps including the Essex County facility on Doremus Avenue

12:49 - Bob Witanek music break sings “Farabundo Marti” about the struggle of the people of El Salvador
17:19 - Jaime Herrera of Comite Roque Dalton FMLN (El Salvador) condemns Menendez involvement in the coup and as an opponent of all fo Latin America struggles and talks about the links between the liberation struggles in Latin America
22:54 Ben Morris a leader of high school student resistance to war and imperialism talked about the struggles to remove recruiters and police from the high schools
24:00 Lisa Davis representing Peoples Organization for Progress and Black is Black nailed US imperialism and called for a “no compromise” position opposing candidates of both parties that support war and imperialism
29:10 John Lisowski representing American Party of Labor gave some of the current background on the Bolivia situation
31:00 Esteban Guevera of PSL offering closing remarks

The back to back rallies indicate a strong NJ organizing effort that is responding in real time to events as they unfold - we need to consolidate this effort and build a support committee for Bolivia because this struggle will be protracted. 

The call for formation of Comite Bolivia NJ reads as follows (Spanish followed by English):

Únase a Comite Bolivia NJ  (Print Flier from Drive) Join On Facebook

Te invitamos a unirte a nosotros en la formación de Comite Bolivia NJ (nombre provisional).

Estados Unidos está respaldando un golpe militar de derecha contra la constitución de Bolivia y sus legítimamente elegidos, y reelegido presidente Evo Morales. El golpe ha sido impuesto con violencia masiva por los extremistas de derecha y la policía. También existe la amenaza de violencia militar contra el pueblo boliviano que se opone al golpe mediante protestas masivas.

Dada la situación, en NJ estamos creando un enfoque organizativo en Bolivia para construir solidaridad y apoyo para el pueblo boliviano para restaurar la democracia y su orden constitucional a través de la educación y la acción solidaria.

Este comité es nuevo y todo, incluido el nombre, se puede definir y redefinir a partir de los aportes de todos los miembros fundadores y miembros. Si está interesado en formar parte de este comité, comuníquese al 908-881-5275.

Please Join Comite Bolivia NJ

We hereby invite you to join us in formation of Comite Bolivia NJ (interim name).

The US is backing a right wing military coup against the constitution of Bolivia and its rightfully elected - and re-elected president Evo Morales.  The coup has been imposed with massive violence by right wing extremists and the police. There is also the threat of military violence against the Bolivian people who are opposing the coup through massive protests.

Given the situation, in NJ we are creatong a Bolivia organizing focus to build solidarity and support for the Bolivian people to restore democracy and its constitutional order through education and solidarity action.

This committee is new and everything including the name, can be defined and redefined given input from all founding and joining members.  If you are interested in being part of this committee, please contact 908-881-5275.

The following is a statement from the Rutgers students that mobilized against the coup:

We are fighting for indigenous rights, the conflict in Bolivia stems from the long history of colonialism in Latin America. We find it abhorrent that the first Indigenous president was ousted and replaced by a Christian fascist who views the traditions of the indigenous people in Bolivia to be “satanic”. People’s lives are in danger, and in the imperial core, Americans must denounce against the crimes this government implements in their name. We stand and we shout in solidarity with all those across Earth that are being held hostage by the American Empire. We won’t stop fighting, we won’t be silenced. Everytime the US decides to drone strike a poor country, we will be there to denounce it. We will be back.”

NEXT EVENT: U.S. Imperialism and Its Impact on Peace, Justice and the Environment of Latin America - What is Happening Today and What We Can Do to Change It

Saturday, November 23rd, 1 - 4pm
Emanuel Lutheran Church, 3 Kirkpatrick Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Admission Free /  In English and in Spanish
Live streaming on:

Print fliers from this link

Thank you to Madelyn Hoffman and Colombia Grass Roots for taking the lean on organizing this upcoming event.

Tell Senators Menendez and Booker that you support Comite Bolivia NJ by retweeting:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Struggles to Uproot Violence, Militarism and Injustice in Latin American and the Caribbean

The Struggles to Uproot Violence, Militarism and Injustice
in Latin American and the Caribbean
Saturday, November 2, 2019, 1 – 4 pm
Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church
112 Witherspoon St, Princeton, NJ

Contacts: Jaime Herrera, 973-277-2098        Bob Witanek, 908-881-5275

Constituents of various Latin American and Caribbean nations will be coming together to head up a panel discussion on November 2, 1 - 4 pm at the Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church to discuss
“The Struggles to Uproot Violence, Militarism and Injustice in Latin American and the Caribbean.”

This panel discussion event will feature perceptions of advocates of the the struggles of Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, Haiti, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Mexico, Bolivia, Brazil and possibly other nations,  Speakers will provide a brief overview of the struggles of these nations, the peoples demands, the obstacles, root causes, including the role of the United States and multinational corporations in the plight of these nations.  Latin America and the Caribbean is experiencing a reinvigoration of the popular movements to challenge exploitation by foreign nations and businesses/.

According to organizers, the purpose of the educational event is to build  “mutual support and possibly new connections and alliances among sectors that have common interests and common goals.”

Speakers will include:  Lulu Garcia of A Call to Action on Puerto Rico, Rep of Comite Roque Dalton, FMLN (El Salvador), Aleandro Jaramillo of COSECHA (on topic of US war on migrant diaspora),  advocates of struggle from Ecuador, Colombia, Haiti, Honduras, Bolivia, Mexico and potentially others.  Co-sponsoring organizations include #NJAntiWarAgenda, NJ Hands Off Venezuela,  Colombia Solidarity,  Comite Roque Dalton FMLN, A Call to Action on Puerto Rico, NJ Peace Council.

According to the flier for the event:

Latin America and the Caribbean is experiencing a reinvigoration of the popular movements to challenge exploitation by foreign nations and businesses.  This educational event will build  mutual support and possibly new connections and alliances among sectors that have common interests and common goals.”

According to Bob Witanek of NJ Anti War Agenda, one of the event’s organizers, “The United States is pushing Latin American and Caribbean nations toward allowing the land natural resources of their nations to be developed for the benefit of multinational corporations and in doing so, trampling the rights of the Indigenous and ignoring the  needs of the extremely impoverished masses of people.  The US is also promoting militarism and repression leading to violence and resurgence of death squad enforcement of US designs.  Meanwhile US is pushing Latin nations toward a major war with Venezuela and other nations that could engulf the entire continent of South America and the Caribbean.”

For more information, please call 908-881-5275 (for English) or 973-277-2098 (for Spanish).

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Open letter to all Teachers and Administrators Unions at NJ Public and Private Schools, Including Colleges / Leadership and Ranks:

Open letter to all Teachers and Administrators Unions at NJ Public and Private Schools, Including Colleges / Leadership and Ranks:


The speech and academic freedom rights of all faculty, administrators and students across the state of NJ are threatened by a companion set of proposed NJ law that will, among other things, define questioning “Israel’s right to exist” as an act of “Anti-Semitism” and will go so far as to criminalize a whole set of opinions that are part of the normal discourse when discussing US foreign policy.  The laws proposed are so wide ranging and  so vague as to cast a legal cloud over any legitimate discussion on US war and peace in NJ schools.  The sanctions proposed are draconian and there is even reference to criminal penalties including fines and incarceration.

The proposed law
NJ (S4001/ NJ A5755)  has widespread bipartisan support including the sponsorship of NJ Democrat Senate Kingpin Sweeney.  I invite you to see for yourself what is in this repressive legislation that could come to the floor this fall: 

The question for faculty, staff, administrators, members of unions and organizing graduate students, for students, members of student organizations that address current issues, student unions, etc. - do you recognize the detrimental impact this proposed law could have on your profession, on student participation, on the curriculum, on the careers of faculty with a history of being outspoken on US foreign policy issues, across the board on the over all atmosphere on college campuses and in public and private schools?

Everybody’s job will be at the whim of a potential smear under this repressive legislation.

We invite all levels of participation from union members, leadership and those organizing campus and school unions.

There are many ways to participate:

1. First and foremost - read the proposed bill linked above and the statements about the bill.

2. There will be organized events at Rutgers Newark and New Brunswick and likely other campuses, representation of union officials, or members for identification purposes, as well as rank and file organizations and organizing committees are encouraged to issue statements and participate in the panels / speak out events.

3. Take a formal position in your local or committee and send it to the state and national urging them to join in the statement, as well as copy to entire NJ Senate, Assembly, Governor and candidates in 2019 for Trenton Senate and Assembly positions.

4. Conduct classroom discussion, organizational discussion and other educational efforts and join in opposition to US war escalations - to show that these kinds of laws will not prevent peace organizing on colleges and in schools.

Please text 908-881-5275 if interested in engaging in any of the above proposed actions or if you have other ideas as to how to best stop this.

In struggle against imperialism and against this NJ repressive law proposal!

S4001/ NJ A5755!

Bob Witanek 908-881-5275

Facebook group:

More links to information from this article:




Several student, faculty and community organizations are coming together to "put a stop" to attempts to pass what they are calling "repressive" NJ S4001 that conflates opposition to Israeli policies to anti-Semitism and attempts to impose punitive measures for presenting discussions that cast criticism on Israel and its policies and US relations with Israel.

The opponents of the bill, sponsored by NJ Democrat Senate strong man Sweeney, believe passage of the bill will have a chilling impact on the ability to hold "open and honest" consideration of US foreign policy as regards relations to Israel as well as hamper efforts to offer "solidarity to the Palestinian people."

One of the organizers, Rutgers Alumnus Bob Witanek recently wrote a letter calling upon teachers unions on campuses and in public schools to work together toward the defeat of the measure.

Sherry Wolf of AAUP at Rutgers has stated that an "Academic Freedom Committee" has formed and this group will also take up opposition to the bill.

Opponents of this measure will present a short "teach-in" on the topic, Thursday, September 12, at Scott Hall 221 at 9pm.

It will feature presentations by Wassim Kanaan of American Muslims for Palestine, NJ Chapter, Mazhar Syad. a Rutgers MA recipient who was engaged in the successful effort oppose Condolezza Rice's receipt of an honorary degree and serve as keynote speaker in 2014 graduation ceremony to protest her role in the US war on Iraq and Bob Witanek who protested CIA at Rutgers in the 1980s  and more recently in 2018.  Others invited including the organizations Anakbayan, Students for Justice in Palestine, Rutgers AAUP and the Academic Freedom Coalition, among others.

Pizza will be available at event.

For more information, call or text 908-881-5275

Friday, July 19, 2019

Antiwar Organizing Could Soon be a Crime in NJ! #NJANTIWARAGENDA Text 908-881-5275

NJ elected officials of both the Democratic and Republican parties in the NJ Senate and Assembly have introduced bills (NJ S4001/ NJ A5755 ) that would virtually outlaw and criminalize criticism of the policies of Israel (and US policies coordinating with Israel) at NJ college campuses and in NJ public schools.

Under the headline RESOURCES below there are many links with ways you can support the effort to protect our right to dissent in NJ.

The pretext for this extremely repressive proposed law is the false premise that criticism of Israel is “anti-Semitic” – and the proposed law proscribes sanctions and even potential criminal penalties for such activity.  I will leave the debunking of that false narrative to others more qualified (see the resources below)– for my part I will focus on:


This proposed law is a clear broad side attack on NJ students, teachers, faculty and staff's first amendment rights to free speech.  Students have a right to express their opinions, to learn about and support grass roots democracy and actions to introduce legislation.  It sends the wrong message to the youngest generation who - if this law passes - will find these rights infringed upon as they try to find their political voices.

To be clear, by proposing to outlaw criticism of Israel, NJ legislators would also be outlawing criticism of the US policy of SUPPORT for Israel.  The US is a WAR PARTNER of Israel in every corner of the globe.  (e.g. Central America )  The US also has ties to Israel domestically in the wall construction on the US southern border and in training US police departments.  All of these activities link US policy to Israel and this proposed piece of repressive legislation could also be used to disrupt and forbid advocacy opposing those Israel related policies.

This proposed law could create a pretext  to undermine antiwar organizing on NJ college campuses and in NJ public schools.  US relations with and support for Israel underpins US Middle East policy.  An effective antiwar movement obviously must challenge the entire war operation especially regarding US war operations in the Middle East.  This law if enacted could make administrators on colleges and in public schools feel compelled to challenge students, faculty and staff that attempt to raise opposition to US war in the MIddle East and elsewhere.  It will also provide an umbrella for pro-war forces to complain to administrators about anti-war activities using the proposed law as the basis.

A movement that aims to effectively challenge US foreign policy MUST engage the students and faculty at the high school and college levels.  The National Security State takes pains  to undermine the success of such an organizing effort.  In 2018, Rutgers University, through its Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence, partnered with police, Homeland Security, other US government agencies and academics to sponsor a forum entitled “Fighting HateWhile Preserving Freedom” that outlined the partnership between the National Security State and academia toward those goals.  The event was met with protests which I helped coordinate on behalf of #NJANTIWARAGENDA  with endorsement of Anakbayan Rutgers and expert coordination by two lead campus organizers.  This proposed law is the follow up step to implement the repressive ideas that were promoted at the Rutgers event.

If this law is passed in NJ –  administrations at colleges and at public schools will “err on the side of caution.”  If there is advocacy in the schools that touches even tangentially to any issue regarding Israel, administrations – not looking for trouble or that are already a captive asset of government agency  – will forbid the activity.  Students who could potentially play a pivotal role in advancing efforts to effectively advocate against war will end up having their yearning to participate crushed.

The struggle against imperialism and war has to center on the issue of Middle East peace.  Central to lasting Middle East peace is an end to Israel occupation of Palestine and the recognition of the humanity of Palestinians.  So there can be NO effective movement against war without advocacy for the cause of Palestine.  A law preventing mention of these topics creates a major obstacle to the struggle against US war.

Any coalition seeking to unify against war and imperialism and to advocate for Palestinian rights needs to converge the efforts of those in the US committed to those goals with people of all of the nations that are either under attack and oppressed by a partnership between the US, Israel and other partners including UK, KSA, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, many other nations and entities.  Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims play a critical role in every coalition on college campuses and in our communities not only on international issues but around domestic issues that impact everybody’s day to day lives. This proposed law aims to fracture these coalitions thus undermining our effectiveness and any potential success - around all of our fronts of struggle.  I would take it a step further to venture that this law if passed and implemented will virtually shut down any and all effective dissent in NJ.

Therefore the call goes out to all those that oppose US war, imperialism and stand in favor of human rights for Palestinians – we have no choice but to destroy this initiative of the US National Security State (NJ S4001/ NJ A5755 )  The proposed law would provide a mechanism to repress our opposition.  In the process, it could  destroy the lives of students and teachers through false smear and criminalization of our legitimate and necessary organizing.

In addition to lobbying in every way possible the NJ Assembly, Senators and the Governor of NJ – which could include when they show up in our communities - to defeat this repressive proposed law, let us proceed to do precisely the kind of organizing this proposed law aims to disrupt and prevent.  Let us put together the best organized college and high school effort this state and even this nation has ever seen – combining advocacy against war and imperialism, for human rights and liberation of Palestinians with the total defeat of this repressive proposal. We must not only defeat this repression bill, but defeat it so thoroughly that NJ legislators never try to dredge it back up from the cesspool into which it must be rendered.  And as we win the battle against this repressive effort, we will use the momentum to prevent US warfare and further the cause of justice and liberation for Palestinians. 

If you are interested in connecting with others to organize at an event at or near college campuses or public schools please send a text to 908-881-5275.  Follow the links below for many ways to get further involved in this struggle to save our right to dissent in the state of NJ  and also to render a solid defeat to this repressive initiative of National Security State and Israeli Defense Force.

SAY NO to National Security State and Israeli Defense Force ideological hegemony on NJ campuses and in NJ public schools!  And let’s stop the state to state spread of these dictatorial laws.  (Similar laws have passed in Florida and South Carolina.)


This page from CAIR – NJ allows you to write a letter every 24 hours to your NJ Senator and Assembly members::

This is a letter drafted by the coalition of groups with legal input from Palestine Legal followed by their announcement of this effort:

Here is a Facebook group dedicated to stopping this repressive proposed law:

These are some of the articles that have been published on this situation:

Here is a copy of the Senate version of the proposed law:

Meanwhile in a related development Rep. Ilhan Omar and others have introduced a bill to protect our right to support BDS nationally:

Here is a petition in support of the Omar initiative.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

NJ Mobilizes for Saturday DC Embassy Protection / Thursday Newark Rally

NJ Residents will be headed to DC to do support work outside the Venezuelan Embassy this weekend.

This will be the third week in a row a group of NJ residents headed to DC to do "Embassy Protection Duty" at the Venezuela Embassy in Washington DC.

The embassy has been surrounded by dozens of armed police from probably a half a dozen federal, state and local police forces .

Additionally, surrounding the building, are a CIA trained group of Venezuelans and possibly others, supporters of Juan Guaido - who self proclaims to be interim president - in a US attempt to foment a coup de tat against the nation and people of Venezuela.  The obviously well funded and highly organized group has surrounded the embassy and attacked anyone that tried to bring in food to the invited guests - which now number 4 still residing in the embassy.  The electricity has been shut off as has been the water.

Invited guests of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela have been staying in the embassy providing protection from its illegal seizuer of the embassy building, which is the property of the elected Venezuelan Government, by the United States through a combination of police and mob action..

As of now, there is one vehicle going down from Newark, NJ leaving Saturday 5/18 8 am - returning Saturday to NJ around 9pm.  For details, text 908-881-5275/

Another vehicle leaves New Brunswick 5/18 8 am (Sears back parking lot) for 9pm Saturday return.  For details text 908-881-5275. Another vehicle leaves Collingswood 9am and returns 7pm. For details text 908-881-5275.
We are arranging more connections so contact 908-881-5275 if you might have interest - texting details if possible though voice is also ok.  If you are willing to drive and can take passengers also text to same number.


1 Gateway Center, Newark, NJ 07102

NJ residents are set to hand in the letter from the Embassy Protectors Collective of their offer to leave the Venezuelan Embassy under a Protectors Agreement for corresponding embassies between US and Venezuela at the offices of Senator Menendez and Senator Booker.  They will rally outside from 2:30 - 3:30 and then bring the letters into the offices of the two U.S. Senatrors.

All are encouraged to join and participate in this message of solidarity and peace with the Embassy Protection Collective and the Venezuelan people and people of all of Latin America. 


While not decided, it was discussed on a conference call a possible national march on May 25, even if the Venezuelan guests have been evicted or have left - especially if the embassy was not put under protected status as is being requested by the guests.

Protection supporters have been responding on an emergency basis for weeks on end.  The idea would be to have an event of a more participatory character - with more organized transportation and organized participation.

If you are interested in helping to make that happen, Text or call 908-881-5275.


Daily vigils from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1099 30th St. NW, Washington D.C.

We urge everyone who can to join daily mobilizations to prevent the illegal seizure of the Venezuelan embassy by supporters of the U.S.-backed coup and protest the siege imposed on embassy protectors by a right-wing mob that has assembled outside. With the full cooperation of the Secret Service, the coup supporters have blockaded food and other essentials needed by members of the Embassy Protection Collective who are living inside the building as invited guests of the legitimate government of Venezuela.
The mob has already carried out numerous acts of physical violence as well as hurling racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ abuse. But this has only strengthened the resolve of the embassy protectors. What is most needed now is a show of force on a daily basis by all those who believe in Venezuela's right to determine its own destiny and oppose the U.S. war machine.
ANSWER Coalition organizers and volunteers have been participating in this historic effort for the past month. We want to thank everyone who has traveled long distances to join us here in Washington, D.C. at different times during the past month. We want to thank those who have been able to remain and help create a sustained presence. This has been a fantastic example of cooperation with support from numerous organizations and individuals who have come together in opposition to the Trump administration's brazen efforts to violate international law, impose crippling economic sanctions, topple an internationally-recognized sovereign government and drag the United States into another war -- this time in Latin America. We can all make the difference by working together.


A group of 4 NJ residents traveled to Washington DC to support the Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective.

I guarded our banner for 6 hours outside the Venezuelan embassy - first thing the next morning, Secret Service chopped down 2 trees including the one the banner is attached to!

This PROVES that our hanging this banner - WAS A THORN IN THE SIDE to imperialist monsters that want to slaughter thousands of Venezuelans!

The banner says:


I mourn for the trees - - and soon if the US continues in this direction it could be 10s of 1000s to a million or more Venezuelans - 40,000 already died through the economic warfare of sanctions according to a recent report - that follow the fate of these two trees whose only crime is being across from the Venezuelan embassy under the siege of a CIA coup - for having supported a message making demands to abandon Golpista Guaido, to end the sanctions and avoid US war in Latin America.

Video from May 5 when El Pueblo Unido Jamas Sera Vencido was played from Embassy followed by 50 youth marching up to join our protection rally:

Though the Water and Lights are Off
The CIA Surrounds the Embassy
Wont you please come to DC 
To End this fascist siege!